HUTCHINS, John et al. Compendium of translation software: directory of commercial machine translation systems and computer aided translation support tools. Genève: EAMT, January 2006, 12th edition. Available at <>
"(...) New software products for automatic translation and for supporting translation work are appearing almost every week; there is constant updating for new versions of operating systems, and more and more companies are involved in the field. It is inevitable that in this fast moving field no listing of commercial products can ever be complete or absolutely up to date. However, this Compendium is intended to provide the most comprehensive and detailed listing of all known systems of machine translation and computer-based translation support tools that are currently available for purchase from stores, by mail or via the Internet.1 It should be noted that it does not include any systems still under development (or reported to be close to market), nor does it include any systems or translation tools of limited availability, such as systems developed for particular clients by software or other companies.(...)"
Dublin Core Description:
Title: Compendium of translation software: directory of commercial machine translation systems and computer aided translation support tools.
Creator: HUTCHINS, John
Subject: translation software, machine translation software, computer aided translation, automatic transaltion
Description: A detailed list of machine translation software currently available to purchase. It gives the price, the language pairs, the software requirements, the translation speed and special features of each system.
Publisher: EAMT (European Association for Machine Translation)
Date: 2006-01
Type: directory
Format: pdf
Identifier: URL:
Language: English
Coverage: International
Rights: © John Hutchins; © Walter Hartmann MTConsulting Co.; © Etsuo Ito, Toshiba Solutions, Japan.
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